Speaker Spotlight: Will Haley

will-haleyWe are pleased to announce that Will Haley will be speaking at this year’s WordCamp Raleigh. Will’s session will be about Angling Angular in WordPress and will be on the Developers Track.

Will say’s that you have to be pretty smart to be a web developer. He also says that you have to be *really* smart to become one after already launching one successful career as a banker. And you have to be really, *really* smart to earn double graduate degrees in Business Administration and Information Science in the process. Oh, and Will graduated Summa Cum Laude from North Carolina Central University while he was at it. Of course. So while it’s clear Will can do anything, right now this self-described “shade-tree geek turned pro” designs, develops and deploys web applications using PHP, Javascript, SQL and more, specializing in WordPress and Angular JS. And he’s *really* good at it.

Come join us at WordCamp Raleigh and meet Will and learn about Angular in WordPress.